API reference

gollm API Reference

1. Core Types

1.1 LLM

type LLM interface {
    Generate(ctx context.Context, prompt *Prompt, opts ...GenerateOption) (string, error)
    SetOption(key string, value interface{})
    GetPromptJSONSchema(opts ...SchemaOption) ([]byte, error)
    GetProvider() string
    GetModel() string
    UpdateDebugLevel(level LogLevel)
    Debug(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
    GetDebugLevel() LogLevel
    SetOllamaEndpoint(endpoint string) error

1.2 Prompt

type Prompt struct {
    Input      string   `json:"input" jsonschema:"required,description=The main input text for the LLM" validate:"required"`
    Output     string   `json:"output,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Specification for the expected output format"`
    Directives []string `json:"directives,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of directives to guide the LLM"`
    Context    string   `json:"context,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Additional context for the LLM"`
    MaxLength  int      `json:"maxLength,omitempty" jsonschema:"minimum=1,description=Maximum length of the response in words" validate:"omitempty,min=1"`
    Examples   []string `json:"examples,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of examples to guide the LLM"`

1.3 Config

type Config struct {
    Provider       string
    Model          string
    OllamaEndpoint string
    Temperature    float64
    MaxTokens      int
    Timeout        time.Duration
    MaxRetries     int
    RetryDelay     time.Duration
    APIKey         string
    DebugLevel     LogLevel
    MemoryOption   *MemoryOption

1.4 PromptOptimizer

type PromptOptimizer struct {
    // fields omitted for brevity

1.5 Example

type Example struct {
    Content string `json:"content"`

1.6 ComparisonResult

type ComparisonResult[T any] struct {
    Provider string
    Model    string
    Response string
    Data     T
    Error    error
    Attempts int

1.7 PromptTemplate

type PromptTemplate struct {
    Name        string
    Description string
    Template    string
    Options     []PromptOption

2. Core Functions

2.1 LLM Creation and Management

  • func NewLLM(opts ...ConfigOption) (LLM, error)

  • func CompareModels[T any](ctx context.Context, prompt string, validateFunc ValidateFunc[T], configs ...*Config) ([]ComparisonResult[T], error)

  • func AnalyzeComparisonResults[T any](results []ComparisonResult[T]) string

2.2 Prompt Handling

  • func NewPrompt(input string, opts ...PromptOption) *Prompt

  • func NewPromptTemplate(name, description, template string, opts ...PromptTemplateOption) *PromptTemplate

  • func NewPromptOptimizer(l LLM, initialPrompt string, taskDesc string, opts ...OptimizerOption) *PromptOptimizer

2.3 Data Extraction and Manipulation

  • func ExtractStructuredData[T any](ctx context.Context, l LLM, text string, opts ...PromptOption) (*T, error)

  • func readExamplesFromFile(filePath string) ([]string, error)

  • func selectExamples(examples []string, n int, order string) []string

3. Utility Functions

  • func Validate(s interface{}) error

  • func GenerateJSONSchema(v interface{}, opts ...SchemaOption) ([]byte, error)

  • func CleanResponse(response string) string

  • func cleanResponse(response string) string

4. Methods

4.1 Prompt Methods

  • func (p *Prompt) GenerateJSONSchema(opts ...SchemaOption) ([]byte, error)

  • func (p *Prompt) Validate() error

  • func (p *Prompt) Apply(opts ...PromptOption)

  • func (p *Prompt) String() string

4.2 PromptOptimizer Methods

  • func (po *PromptOptimizer) OptimizePrompt(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

  • func (po *PromptOptimizer) GetOptimizationHistory() []OptimizationEntry

4.3 PromptTemplate Methods

  • func (pt *PromptTemplate) Execute(data map[string]interface{}) (*Prompt, error)

5. Configuration Options

5.1 LLM Configuration

  • SetProvider(provider string) ConfigOption

  • SetModel(model string) ConfigOption

  • SetOllamaEndpoint(endpoint string) ConfigOption

  • SetTemperature(temperature float64) ConfigOption

  • SetMaxTokens(maxTokens int) ConfigOption

  • SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ConfigOption

  • SetAPIKey(apiKey string) ConfigOption

  • SetMaxRetries(maxRetries int) ConfigOption

  • SetRetryDelay(retryDelay time.Duration) ConfigOption

  • SetDebugLevel(level LogLevel) ConfigOption

  • SetMemory(maxTokens int) ConfigOption

5.2 Prompt Configuration

  • WithDirectives(directives ...string) PromptOption

  • WithOutput(output string) PromptOption

  • WithContext(context string) PromptOption

  • WithMaxLength(length int) PromptOption

  • WithExamples(examples ...string) PromptOption

5.3 Optimizer Configuration

  • WithVerbose() OptimizerOption

  • WithIterationCallback(callback IterationCallback) OptimizerOption

  • WithMaxRetries(maxRetries int) OptimizerOption

  • WithRetryDelay(delay time.Duration) OptimizerOption

  • WithMemorySize(size int) OptimizerOption

  • WithIterations(iterations int) OptimizerOption

  • WithCustomMetrics(metrics ...Metric) OptimizerOption

  • WithOptimizationGoal(goal string) OptimizerOption

  • WithRatingSystem(system string) OptimizerOption

  • WithThreshold(threshold float64) OptimizerOption

5.4 PromptTemplate Configuration

  • WithPromptOptions(options ...PromptOption) PromptTemplateOption

6. Type Aliases and Custom Types

  • type ValidateFunc[T any] func(T) error

7. Best Practices and Usage Tips

  1. Structured Data Extraction: Use ExtractStructuredData when you need to parse unstructured text into a specific Go struct.

  2. Prompt Templates: Utilize PromptTemplate for creating reusable prompt structures.

  3. Model Comparison: Use the CompareModels function for benchmarking and selecting the best model for a specific task.

  4. Working with Examples: Use readExamplesFromFile and selectExamples to manage and use example data in your prompts.

  5. Response Cleaning: Always use cleanResponse or similar cleaning methods on raw LLM outputs.

  6. Custom Validation: Implement custom ValidateFunc functions to ensure that the data extracted or generated by the LLM meets your specific requirements.

For more detailed information on each type, function, and method, including parameters and return values, please refer to the package documentation and source code.

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